

Are your products at risk?

Designer handbags and pirated DVDs. For most people, these are the products that jump to mind when the issue of counterfeit merchandise is brought up. But counterfeiting is a problem that extends well beyond the designer apparel and film industries. In fact, counterfeiting has become so pervasive that it’s now impacting, or has the potential to impact, nearly any manufacturer anywhere. From clothes and accessory brands to auto manufacturers, electronics manufacturers and even medical device companies, the problem of counterfeit merchandise is growing.

The costs and risks that come with an influx of counterfeit products have led governments and corporations to develop anti-counterfeiting strategies. Although the problem may seem staggering, there are effective steps that can be taken. Many companies, for example, are tightening their supply chain control and management and accelerating their supply chains with just-in-time sourcing that can close the window on the time available to develop counterfeit products. In addition to ensuring that their intellectual property is used in a disciplined fashion on all products, some manufacturers are also using available brand protection technologies to help identify fakes, forgeries, copies and counterfeits.

Recently developed brand protection technologies can help give manufacturers the edge they need to protect their products, reduce or eliminate false warranty costs and even expand into new geographic areas with confidence.

Devices at Risk: Fake pharmaceuticals are scary, but there's an equally alarming trend toward imitation medical devices.

Beyond Fake Prada: Consumer products other than luxury goods are also at risk of being counterfeited. High end cosmetics and skin care products, for example, are also a prime target. 


Percept™ Brand Protection Technologies
Anti-Counterfeiting: What Brand Owners Need to Know

Counterfeiting is a serious and fast growing problem in business. In this white paper, we outline the detriments of counterfeiting and what you can do to combat this phenomenon.

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